The primal objective of OpenMath objects is to represent mathematical
expressions. In this Content Dictionary another objective is
addressed, namely to express an action related to a mathematical
expression. Such a request for an action is generally referred to
as a query. The specific queries are called directives. In this CD
we define some. An entity (software) carrying out the query is
referred to as a service. The service might return an OpenMath
object. To formalize this object, we also introduce the symbol
response in this CD.
amc 2004-03-18: added the directive explore.
amc 2004-03-24: removed redundancies.
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a
mathematical expression.
When applied to a mathematical expression, it asks for an evaluation
or simplification of the expression. The evaluation or simplification
to be carried out by a service is a simpler mathematical expression (in some definition of complexity
of objects) which is equal to the argument.
The value of sin(Pi) is zero.
The expression below asks for sin(Pi) to be evaluated, and so
a service receiving the object is supposed to return zero.
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be
a mathematical expression and a type.
When applied to a mathematical expression E and a type T, it asks for an evaluation
or simplification of E to a mathematical expression of type T.
The value of (7*6)/2 is a natural number.
The expression below asks for this integer.
The type of the responded object should be equal to the
that is the second argument of the evaluate_to_type.
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a
mathematical expression.
When applied to a mathematical expression, it asks for mathematical
expressions related to the argument. If the argument is a single
OpenMath symbol, the service might respond by the list of all
properties in the CD containing the argument.
Alternatively, the service can provide a list of CDs which use the CD
in which the argument occurs.
Another service might return all documents in which the symbol occurs.
If the argument is a more complicated object, the same services could
be called for, but then with all OpenMath symbols occurring in the
argument instead of the single one.
Looking up sin is expressed as follows:
This symbol is a function of one argument, which should be a query.
When applied to a query, it refers to the response a service might
It will mainly be used in this CD to express formal mathematical
of queries.
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a clause.
When applied to a clause C, it asks for a
proof of C.
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a clause.
When applied to a clause C, it asks for a
proof of that C does not hold.
Asking to disprove C amounts to
asking for a proof that C does not hold.
(In other words, this symbol is completely redundant,
even in multi-valued logic.***)
This symbol is a function with two arguments, the first of which
should be a clause and the second of which should be a symbol
indicating a logic theory.
When applied to arguments C, T, it asks for a
proof of C in theory T.
This symbol is a binder, whose body should be a clause.
When bound to a variable (or list of variables) x with body P(x), it asks for a
mathematical expression A such that P(A) holds.
Searching for a real number x such that sin(x) = 0
is to be compared to asking for an inverse of x:
The body of argument with the binder x replaced by the response should
be a true statement.
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a clause.
When applied to a clause, it asks whether
the clause holds.
The question if sin(Pi) is equal to zero can be phrased as follows.
The response to the decide query is logically equivalent to the truth of the argument.
This symbol is a unary function whose argument should be
a mathematical assertion.
When applied to an assertion A, it asks for conditions under which the
assertion holds.
Given the Pappos configuration P, the Pappos thesis T asserts that
three points of the configuration are collinear.
A conceivable answer to the explore directive with the assertion that in
configuration P the thesis T holds, is a nondegeneracy condition that makes
the assertion valid.
A response R should satisfy the requirement that R implies the