Things to be done (and comments).
-OMAttribution works a bit different that OMAttribution in ROML.
In fact we are using an extra class OMAttrPair to hold the
attribution pairs. Re-think that.
-OMApplication and OMError return NULL in methods getElementAt(index)
when index does not correspond to a valid value. ROML throws an
exception (IndexOutOfBound?). This behavior of ROML is new
(it used to returns NULL in older versions) and I personally do
not like it. Returning NULL would allow things like
while (pObject=getElementAt(i) != NULL){
//some code.
That change on ROML made many lines of previous code to be broken
(also NewApp.getElementAt(i)=OldApp.getElementAt(i+1)).
-I added a DOMReader class that uses xerces++ to read the DOM tree.
It is not yet complete (add support for bindings, attributions and
so on). No support for extra and extended attributes yet.
-Add a SAXReader (using xerces): faster?
-Add streaming functionality (to support the binary encoding).
That would be very useful for the transmitting big
-OMFloat does not check for float values. The same for OMString
(this is also the case for ROML, AAAA is read a valid
-The method getType() returns an integer instead of a string (as in
ROML). Preprocesor constants, OMA, OMS, OMATTR,...
are defined at omcommon.h. Working with integers is
-I added attributes and extended attributes. Again that problem
of OMObject being virtual and things like
Here id is an extended attribute (of OMApplication) and ref is a
normal attribute of OMA. See implementation.
-OMFloat. I notice in ROML OMFloat dec or hex are stored as
properties of OMFloat not as attibutes. What happen is someone
uses getAttribute("dec")? So, I'm storing dec or hex as