* $Id$
* Copyright (c) 1999-2002, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).
* All Rights Reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the RIACA Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
* http://www.riaca.win.tue.nl/
package nl.tue.win.riaca.maple.parser;
import antlr.collections.*;
import java.util.*;
class MapleOMParser extends Parser;
k = 2; //two token lookahead
codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold = 5;
codeGenBitsetTestThreshold = 6;
ASTLabelType = "antlr.CommonAST"; // change default of "AST"
AST_TOP; /* imaginary token */
AST_LIST; /* imaginary token */
AST_FUNCTION; /* imaginary token */
AST_CYCLE; /* imaginary token */
UNARY_MINUS; /* helper token to match unary minus. */
UNARY_PLUS; /* helper token to match unary plus. */
expr : assignExpr SEMI!
#expr = #([AST_TOP, "AST_TOP"], expr);
* Matches equality expressions.
* @since 1.0
: relationalExpression ( ( EQ^ | NEQ^ ) relationalExpression )*
* Matches relational expressions.
* @since 1.0
: additiveExpression ( ( LT^ | GT^ | LE^ | GE^ ) additiveExpression )*
* Matches additive expressions.
* @since 1.0
: multiplicativeExpression
( ( PLUS^ | MINUS^ ) multiplicativeExpression )*
* Matches multiplicative expressions.
* @since 1.0
: powerExpression ( ( STAR^ | DIV^ ) powerExpression )*
* Matches power expressions.
* @since 1.0
: unaryExpression ( POWER^ unaryExpression )*
* Matches the unary expressions.
* @since 1.0
: MINUS^ { #MINUS.setType( UNARY_MINUS ); } unaryExpression
| PLUS^ { #PLUS.setType( UNARY_PLUS ); } unaryExpression
| unaryExpressionRest
* Matches the rest of the unary expressions.
* @since 1.0
unaryExpressionRest :
( (LPAREN RPAREN) | ( LPAREN INT COMMA ) ) => permutation
| ( ID LPAREN ) => mapleFunction
| parenthesizedExpression
| mapleList
| string
| atom
* Matches one cycle in a permutation (cycles in maple have length > 1).
#cycle = #([AST_CYCLE, "AST_CYCLE"], cycle);
* Matches a permutation in cycle notation: either () or a nonempty sequence
* of cycles of length at least 2.
permutation : ( LPAREN! RPAREN! | ( cycle )+ )
#permutation = #([AST_PERM, "AST_PERM"], permutation);
mapleFunction :
#mapleFunction =
#([AST_FUNCTION, "AST_FUNCTION"], mapleFunction);
parenthesizedExpression : LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN!
mapleList :
LBRACK! ( additiveExpression ( COMMA! additiveExpression )* )? RBRACK!
#mapleList = #([AST_LIST, "AST_LIST"], mapleList);
#string = #([AST_STRING, "AST_STRING"], string);
atom :
* The Maple Lexer.
* It reads in the input that is said to be MAPLE input. It tries
* to read the tokens that valid MAPLE input should have. If it
* succeeds it generates a sequence of tokens, which in turn can
* be read by the Maple parser.
* @author Manfred Riem (mriem@win.tue.nl).
* @version 1.0
class MapleOMLexer
extends Lexer;
k = 2;
charVocabulary = '\u0000'..'\u00FF';
* Reads whitespace and throws it away.
* @since 1.0
WS : (' '
| '\t'
| '\n'
| '\r')
{ _ttype = Token.SKIP; }
* Reads the last semi-colon.
* @since 1.0
SEMI : ';' ;
* Reads the left parenthesis.
* @since 1.0
LPAREN : '(' ;
* Reads the right parenthesis.
* @since 1.0
RPAREN : ')' ;
* Reads the left bracket.
* @since 1.0
LBRACK : '[' ;
* Reads the right bracket.
* @since 1.0
RBRACK : ']' ;
* Reads the plus operator.
* @since 1.0
PLUS : '+';
* Reads the minus operator.
* @since 1.0
MINUS : '-';
* Reads the star operator.
* @since 1.0
STAR : '*';
* Reads the divide operator.
* @since 1.0
DIV : '/';
* Reads the power operator.
* @since 1.0
POWER : '^';
* Reads the assignment operator.
* @since 1.0
ASSIGN : ":=" ;
* Reads the comma operator.
* @since 1.0
COMMA : ',' ;
* Reads the '<' operator.
* @since 1.0
LT : '<';
* Reads the '>' operator.
* @since 1.0
GT : '>';
* Reads the "<=" operator.
* @since 1.0
LE : "<=";
* Reads the ">=" operator.
* @since 1.0
GE : ">=";
* Reads the '=' operator.
* @since 1.0
EQ : '=';
* Reads the "<>" operator.
* @since 1.0
NEQ : "<>";
* Reads a simple character-literal.
* @since 1.0
CHAR_LITERAL : '\'' (ESC|~'\'') '\'' ;
* Reads a string literal.
* @since 1.0
//STRING_LITERAL : '"'! (ESC|~'"')* '"'! ;
STRING_LITERAL : '"'! (~'"')* '"'! ;
* Reads an escape-sequence.
* @since 1.0
ESC : '\\'
( 'n'
| 'r'
| 't'
| 'b'
| 'f'
| '"'
| '\''
| '\\'
| ('0'..'3')
options {
warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
: ('0'..'9')
options {
warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
: '0'..'9'
| ('4'..'7')
options {
warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
: ('0'..'9')
: '0'..'9'
: (DIGIT)+
testLiterals = true;
: ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')*
* Tree walker.
* Transform the AST-tree to an XML-encoded OpenMath object. It does
* NOT use any of the libraries for OpenMath to make it possible to
* run without any of those libraries.
* @author Manfred Riem (mriem@win.tue.nl)
* @version 1.0
class MapleOMTreeWalker extends TreeParser;
* Parse a GRAPE graph into an OpenMath graph. The method only works
* if the graph uses the trivial group as its automorphism group; it
* may have a bigger automorphism group, but gamma.group must be the
* trivial group. Otherwise, it is relatively difficult to obtain the
* adjacency information from the GRAPE syntax. Any graph can be put
* into this form by applying the MAPLE function
* (gamma -> NewGroupGraph (Group (()), gamma))
* to it.
* @author Erik Postma
* @since 1.7
* @param theRecord the Map as returned by {@see MapleOMTreeWalker#mapify}.
* @return a String with the XML-encoded OpenMath representation for this graph.
* @throws RecognitionException if the graph cannot be parsed.
private String parse_graph (Map theRecord)
throws RecognitionException
int i; // Multi-purpose counter.
int order;
String [] names;
boolean isDirected;
String tResult = "\n";
String setStartTag = "\n\n";
String listStartTag = "\n\n";
if (theRecord.containsKey ("isSimple") &&
((AST) theRecord.get ("isSimple")).getText ().equals ("true"))
tResult += "\n";
isDirected = false;
tResult += "\n";
isDirected = true;
// Generate the vertex names.
order = Integer.parseInt
(((AST) theRecord.get ("order")).getText ());
names = new String [order];
if (theRecord.containsKey ("names"))
AST currentName = ((AST) theRecord.get ("names")).getFirstChild ();
for (i = 0; i < order; i++)
names [i] = this.expr (currentName);
currentName = currentName.getNextSibling ();
for (i = 0; i < order; i++)
names [i] = " " + Integer.toString (i + 1) + " \n";
catch (NumberFormatException e)
{throw new RecognitionException ("Malformed graph -- order is not a number.");}
catch (NullPointerException e)
{throw new RecognitionException
("Malformed graph -- maybe order doesn't fit " +
"the number of names, or order not present.");}
tResult += setStartTag;
for (i = 0; i < order; i++)
tResult += names [i];
tResult += "\n";
tResult += setStartTag;
AST currentNeighbourSet =
((AST) theRecord.get ("adjacencies")).getFirstChild ();
for (i = 0; i < order; i++)
// Now currentNeighbourSet is a list of vertex numbers adjacent to vertex i.
AST currentNeighbour = currentNeighbourSet.getFirstChild ();
while (currentNeighbour != null)
int j = Integer.parseInt (currentNeighbour.getText ());
// This represents an edge from i to j. If it's undirected, we will
// find it twice. Count it only once.
if (isDirected)
tResult += listStartTag + names [i] + names [j - 1] + "\n";
else if (j > i)
tResult += setStartTag + names [i] + names [j - 1] + "\n";
currentNeighbour = currentNeighbour.getNextSibling ();
currentNeighbourSet = currentNeighbourSet.getNextSibling ();
catch (NumberFormatException e)
{throw new RecognitionException
("Malformed graph -- non-numerical adjacency");}
catch (NullPointerException e)
{throw new RecognitionException
("Malformed graph -- probably the \"group\" field is not set to " +
"the trivial group.");}
tResult += "\n" /* End edge set */ + "\n"; /* End graph */
return tResult;
* Build a java.util.Map with the key-value pairs in the record.
* @author Erik Postma
* @since 1.7
* @param record same as in {@see MapleOMTreeWalker#parse_record}
* @return a java.util.TreeMap with the key-value pairs in the record.
* @throws RecognitionException if it is not a well-formed record.
private Map mapify (AST record)
throws RecognitionException
Map tResult = new TreeMap ();
AST child = record.getFirstChild ();
while (child != null)
if (! child.getText ().equals (":="))
throw new RecognitionException
("Record containing non-assignment.");
AST key = child.getFirstChild ();
if (key == null)
throw new RecognitionException
("Record contains assignment without key.");
AST value = key.getNextSibling ();
if (value == null)
throw new RecognitionException
("Record contains assignment without value for key " +
key.getText () + ".");
tResult.put (key.getText (), value);
child = child.getNextSibling ();
return tResult;
* Parse a record. Not all records can be parsed; there is no structure
* in OpenMath corresponding to a record. But some classes of records have
* a special meaning; like GRAPE graphs, recognizable by having a field
* "isGraph" with value true. If you'd like to extend this to some other
* class, please put only a simple check here and do the actual parsing in
* another method.
* @author Erik Postma
* @since 1.7
* @param record the AST representing the record (excluding the AST_FUNCTION).
* @return a String with an XML-encoded OpenMath representation of the record.
* @throws RecognitionException if the record is not recognized or malformed.
private String parse_record( AST record )
throws RecognitionException
Map theRecord = mapify (record);
if (theRecord.containsKey ("isGraph") &&
((AST) theRecord.get ("isGraph")).getText ().equals ("true"))
return parse_graph (theRecord);
throw new RecognitionException
("Record of a class that is not understood.");
* Transform a string into a valid XML string (i.e., no "&", "<", ">").
private String xmlify(String s) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s);
replaceChar(sb, '&', "&");
replaceChar(sb, '<', "<");
replaceChar(sb, '>', ">");
return sb.toString();
private void replaceChar(StringBuffer buf, char c, String s) {
// Replace all c in buf by s.
int i = buf.toString().lastIndexOf(c);
while (i != -1) {
buf.replace(i, i + 1, s);
i = buf.toString().lastIndexOf(c, i-1);
expr returns [String tResult]
String tLeft,tRight;
tResult = "";
: tTop : AST_TOP
AST tChild = tTop.getFirstChild();
tResult = "\n";
if ( tChild != null )
tResult += this.expr( tChild );
tResult += "\n";
| #( tMinus:MINUS tLeft=expr tRight=expr )
tResult = "\n" +
"\n" +
tLeft +
tRight +
"\n" ;
| tUnaryMinus:UNARY_MINUS
AST tAST = tUnaryMinus.getFirstChild();
if ( tAST.getType() == INT )
tResult = "-" + tAST + "\n";
tResult = "\n" +
"\n" +
this.expr( tAST ) +
| #( tPlus:PLUS tLeft=expr tRight=expr )
tResult = "\n" +
"\n" +
tLeft +
tRight +
"\n" ;
| #( tLess:LT tLeft=expr tRight=expr )
tResult = "\n" +
"\n" +
tLeft +
tRight +
| #( tGreater:GT tLeft=expr tRight=expr )
tResult = "\n" +
"\n" +
tLeft +
tRight +
| #( tLessEqual:LE tLeft=expr tRight=expr )
tResult = "\n" +
"\n" +
tLeft +
tRight +
| #( tGreaterEqual:GE tLeft=expr tRight=expr )
tResult = "\n" +
"\n" +
tLeft +
tRight +
| tUnaryPlus:UNARY_PLUS
AST tAST = tUnaryPlus.getFirstChild();
if ( tAST.getType() == INT )
tResult = "" + tAST + "\n";
tResult = this.expr( tAST );
| #( tStar:STAR tLeft=expr tRight=expr )
tResult = "\n" +
"\n" +
tLeft +
tRight +
| tDiv:DIV
tResult = "\n";
AST tAST1 = tDiv.getFirstChild();
AST tAST2 = tAST1.getNextSibling();
if ( tAST1.getType() == INT && tAST2.getType() == INT )
tResult += "\n";
tResult += "\n";
tResult += this.expr( tAST1 ) + this.expr( tAST2 ) + "\n";
| #( tPower:POWER tLeft=expr tRight=expr )
tResult = "\n" +
"\n" +
tLeft +
tRight +
| #( tEqual:EQ tLeft=expr tRight=expr )
tResult = "\n" +
"\n" +
tLeft +
tRight +
| #( tNotEqual:NEQ tLeft=expr tRight=expr )
tResult = "\n" +
"\n" +
tLeft +
tRight +
| tInteger : INT
tResult = "" + tInteger.getText() + "\n";
| tCycle : AST_CYCLE
tResult = "\n\n";
AST tChild = tCycle.getFirstChild();
while ( tChild != null )
tResult += this.expr( tChild );
tChild = tChild.getNextSibling();
tResult += "\n";
| tPerm : AST_PERM
tResult = "\n\n";
AST tChild = tPerm.getFirstChild();
while ( tChild != null )
tResult += this.expr( tChild );
tChild = tChild.getNextSibling();
tResult += "\n";
| tList : AST_LIST
* Add each child to the list.
AST tChild = tList.getFirstChild();
tResult = "\n" +
if ( tChild != null )
tResult += this.expr( tChild );
tChild = tChild.getNextSibling();
while( tChild != null )
tResult += this.expr( tChild );
tChild = tChild.getNextSibling();
tResult += "\n";
| tFunction : AST_FUNCTION
* A function call or a record.
AST tChild = tFunction.getFirstChild();
if ( tChild.getText().equals( "rec" ))
tResult = parse_record (tChild);
else if (tChild.getText().equals("E"))
{ // parse "E(5)"
tResult =
"\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"2\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"" + tChild.getFirstChild().getText() + "\n" +
"\n" +
else if (tChild.getText().equals("Group"))
{ // E.g.: Group([(1,2)(3,4),(1,2,3)]) or Group(())
tResult =
"\n" +
"\n" +
tChild = tChild.getFirstChild();
if ( tChild.getType() == AST_LIST )
// "delistify" the list of generators
tChild = tChild.getFirstChild();
while( tChild != null )
tResult += this.expr( tChild );
tChild = tChild.getNextSibling();
tResult += "\n";
else if (tChild.getText().equals("Z"))
tResult =
"\n" +
"\n" +
this.expr(tChild.getFirstChild()) +
tResult = "\n" +
tChild = tChild.getFirstChild();
while( tChild != null )
tResult += this.expr( tChild );
tChild = tChild.getNextSibling();
tResult += "\n";
| tIdentifier : ID
if ( tIdentifier.getText().equals( "true" ) ||
tIdentifier.getText().equals( "false" ) )
tResult =
else if ( tIdentifier.getText().equalsIgnoreCase( "infinity" ) )
tResult = "\n";
else if ( tIdentifier.getText().equals( "fail" ) )
tResult = "\n";
tResult = "\n";
| tString : AST_STRING
tResult = "" +
xmlify( tString.getFirstChild().getText() ) +