really short term todo list
- do things on formulaeditor todo list(open: index.html)
- answer latex questions
- declare costs CICM
short term todo list
- do things for gbnp
- update mathdoxmanual on
- todo items from birmingham/send mails
- clean up desk
- hours juli
mid term todo list
- check out livemath
- server maintenance
- navigation in mathdox
- orbeon server state in exist
- orbeon seperate tomcat application
- formula editor seperate jar
items done
- add formulaeditor to mathadoreplayer and test it
- 2e ronde training Aud 12 13:30-17:00
- get working on dam02: DNS (at helpdesk)
- check syncwiris/geogebra sync
- windows installer on dam02 startpage (Matthijs)
- make a manual index/``footer'' (Matthijs)
- adjust laservice endpoint
- book birmingham