units_imperial1 http://www.openmath.org/cd/units_imperial1.ocd 2003-04-01 experimental 2000-08-13 2 0 This CD defines symbols to represent imperial standard measures. mile This symbol represents the measure of one mile. This is the standard imperial measure for distance. acre This symbol represents the measure of one acre. This is the standard imperial measure for area. pint This symbol represents the measure of one pint. This is the standard imperial measure for volume. miles_per_hr This symbol represents the measure of one mile per hour. This is the standard imperial measure for speed. miles_per_hr_sqrd This symbol represents the measure of one mile per hour squared. This is the standard imperial measure for acceleration. pound_mass This symbol represents the measure of the mass which weighs one pound under the influence of standard gravity. pound_force This symbol represents the measure of force of one pound. degree_Fahrenheit This symbol represents the measure of one degree Fahrenheit. This is the standard imperial measure for temperature. bar This symbol represents the measure of one bar. This is the standard imperial measure for pressure.