quant1 http://www.openmath.org/cd/quant1.ocd 2003-04-01 2001-03-12 2 0 official arith1 logic1 relation1 transc1 This CD holds the definitions of the basic universal ("for all") quantifier and existential ("there exists") quantifier. It is intended to be `compatible' with the MathML elements representing these quantifiers. forall This symbol represents the universal ("for all") quantifier which takes two arguments. It must be placed within an OMBIND element. The first argument is the bound variables (placed within an OMBVAR element), and the second is an expression. An example to represents the statement for all x | |sin(x)| <= 1 exists This symbol represents the existential ("there exists") quantifier which takes two arguments. It must be placed within an OMBIND element. The first argument is the bound variables (placed within an OMBVAR element), and the second is an expression. An example which represents the statement that there is no solution to x^n+y^n=z^n for n>2, that is: it is not true that there exists x,y,z,n | n>2 and x^n+y^n=z^n 2