piece1 http://www.openmath.org/cd/piece1.ocd 2003-04-01 2001-03-12 1 0 official This CD is intended to be compatible with the corresponding elements in Content MathML 2. In this CD we give a set of operators for piece-wise defined expressions. piecewise This operator heads an expression that is being defined piecewise. Its arguments are n objects built with the piece constructor, optionally followed by one built with otherwise constructor. 0 0 0 piece This introduces an individual component of a piecewise definition. It has precisely two arguments: the first is the value, and the second is a Boolean (meant to be a predicate) which is true if and only if this piece is to provide the value of the piecewise construct. 0 0 0 otherwise This symbol introduces the 'default' value of a piecewise construct. If none of the previous piece constructs can provide the value, this will. It has a single child, the value. 0 0 0