dimensions1 http://www.openmath.org/cd/dimensions1.ocd 2003-04-01 experimental 2000-08-13 2 0 This CD defines symbols which represent basic physical dimensions. length This symbol represents the length physical dimension. area This symbol represents the area physical dimension. volume This symbol represents the volume physical dimension. speed This symbol represents the speed physical dimension. It is the size of the derivative of distance with respect to time. velocity This symbol represents the velocity physical dimension. It is the derivative of distance with respect to time. acceleration This symbol represents the acceleration physical dimension. It is the second derivative distance with respect to time. time This symbol represents the time physical dimension. mass This symbol represents the mass physical dimension. force This symbol represents the force physical dimension. temperature This symbol represents the temperature physical dimension. pressure This symbol represents the pressure physical dimension. charge This symbol represents the charge physical dimension. current This symbol represents the current physical dimension. voltage This symbol represents the voltage physical dimension.