In this demo we present some example of mathbook pages that serve to illustrate the capabilities of our implementation. Our implementation makes use of servlets, XSLT style-sheets and Jelly scripts which are combined to produce an highly complex and flexible environment for math-oriented WEB development. |
An essential part of our implementation is the context. For presentational purposes we divide it in static and dynamic context. The dynamic context is able to handle the dynamic information associated with interactive mathematical documents and it is modeled as groups of labeled trees in which the nodes of a tree correspond to scopes and the leaves correspond to variables. Variables may have associated several properties:
The use of type templates allows to speed up the authoring process of variables, for a template could be used as models for the creation several variables of that type. Static context is formed by a repository of theories. A mathbook theory may define OpenMath symbols and a collection of methods like assertions, axioms, definitions, examples, etc. We call them methods because they define fragments of executable code (in analogy to methods in object oriented programming languages). Thus the repository of theories cannot only be statically browsed but its contents could be actively used and customized in the creation interactive mathematical documents. |