Proposed planning as agreed by Arjeh M. Cohen, Ramon Eixarch, Olga Caprotti, Dani Marques, Hans Cuypers. DRAFT, Eindhoven, 15 November, 2004 Four parties: Web4Math Math4More RIACA DFKI Project period January 1, 2005 until July 1, 2005 (so Month 4 = April, 2005) Month 1: manufacturing additional initial CDs to MathML-CDs: Web4Math in collaboration with Riaca and in agreement with Math4More. Existing initial CDs are (see -> Content Dictionaries): all MathML CDs, Error, Sets, List functions, RIACA: prog1, set*, list*, fns*. To be manufactured: ** suitable Error, ** Random selection of an integer from an interval, a polynomial with suitable restrictions on the coefficients, an elementary expression from a given set of expressions (eg involving only root, log, exp), ** type constructors for defining elementary functions from a certain class (eg rational functions in log and sin) ** operators on function expressions, such as substitution, expand, normal form. ** continuity and differentiability, tangent difference, quotient and some other basic notions needed to explain differentiation. convexity of a function, etc. (domain of definition exists in WIRIS) deliverable CA1: by Web4Math: the CDs to be manufactured. The CDs should be self-explanatory as to their use. Month 2: In collaboration with RIACA, Web4Math will fix a blueprint for realizing exercises calling Web services following MONET principles. It will contain a checking mechanism (to be built by Riaca) for user input correctness of particular types (integer, rational number, floating point number, polynomial expression rational expressions using specific list of standard functions (sin, cos, log, exp, root), list of the above objects). It will contain a plan for rewrite rules for differentiating an elementary function step by step. When the answer is a function, it will distinguish between a correct answer, a correct but not (nearly) simple answer, an incorrect answer. As for the answer, it should be clear which syntactic types of user input the partners are expected to furnish. Math4More will create a first version of the phrasebook for WIRIS. deliverable CA2: Web4Math: the exercise protocol including the standard of the external calls + examples. deliverable CA3: Math4More: preliminary phrasebook covering arith1, transc1, fns1. Month 3: completing a test batch of examples to be run by the Phrasebooks: RIACA Here, a phrasebook consists of: 1. facilities to encode an OpenMath object into the language of the CAS, and (conversely) 2. to decode an CAS native object into an OpenMath object, 3. the deployment of the CAS enabling communication through a web service using OpenMath (a servlet container). This set up should enable ActiveMath (DFKI's work) and MathDox (Riaca's work) to interact smoothly with the CAS. deliverable CA4: Web4Math: wrap preliminary phrasebooks covering arith1, transc1, fns1 for Maxima or Maple. Month 4: Manufacturing Phrasebooks for interaction Wiris-OpenMath working and tested against initial CDs: Math4More Manufacturing Phrasebooks for interaction Maple-OpenMath and for Maxima-OpenMath working and tested against initial CDs: Web4Math Workshop with all four parties in BARCELONA. DFKI and Riaca will report on success and failure in use of the phrasebooks. deliverable CA5: the Wiris-OpenMath phrasebook by Math4More deliverable CA6: the Maple-OpenMath phrasebook by Web4Math deliverable CA7: the Maxima-OpenMath phrasebook by Web4Math Month 6: completing Phrasebooks for interaction Wiris-OpenMath working and tested against all CDs and the RIACA batch of examples: Math4More Completing Phrasebooks for interaction Maple-OpenMath and for Maxima-OpenMath working and tested against all CDs and the RIACA batch of examples: Web4Math Presentation at a LeActiveMath workshop: all four parties deliverable CA8: the Wiris-OpenMath phrasebook by Math4More deliverable CA9: the Maple-OpenMath phrasebook by Web4Math deliverable CA10: the Maxima-OpenMath phrasebook by Web4Math licenses: Maxima is open source and freely available The Maple phrasebook will be written as a wrapper to Maple and/or as Maple code, so the deliverables can be used by anyone having Maple. The exploitation of the MONET software will looked into. The WIRIS phrasebook's usability hinges on the availability of the WIRIS system. Licenses for the use of this system throughout and after the project are to be finalized with Melis.